Monday, 27 January 2014


I love mondays when they mean no work, waking up late, drawn out coffee dates and lots of sunshine.

Finally seem to be shaking this damn sickness but my Australia day was spent with a big jar of watermelon juice, GG re-runs and Emma Louise running through my head.

Next week I will be speaking with the brains behind one of my favourite online shops, The Minimalist so keep an eye out.

Hope your long weekend was filled with the beautiful bits!

(images tumblr and @lana_lola instagram)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


was spent sooking at home with tonsillitis, making magical juices to fix my throat, looking at way too many things that I want and annoying Lola while she was sleeping.

Images my own or tumblr


Black, white, grey, spots, stripes, navy, leopard print and denim. These are my staples; colour and I, we don't really work together often.

I knew pink was making a come back. I had accepted it. I was even starting to like the little pastel pops here and there. But Jessie Bush's perfectly tousled, delicious hubba bubba coloured bob has me sold.


Sunday, 19 January 2014


The only good thing about you Monday, is that you make my morning coffee that much more enjoyable. I literally need it to help combat post-weekend depression.
And it works. Everytime.

Some exciting additions will be coming within the next few weeks – I am going to be doing a Q&A every month with the minds behind websites and brands that I love.

Hope you all had fabulous weekends

Friday, 17 January 2014


Finally Friday! My weekend will be filled with coffee, farmers markets, fresh flowers, sandy feet, and snuggles with my little girl.

I'll leave you with these - happy weekend lovers!

(images from tumblr)

Thursday, 16 January 2014


2014 is mine. I've called it, I'm owning it.

This blog is going to be an organised mess of health, interiors, food, far-shun, my little boston Lola and whatever else happens to take my fancy.

I don't really know where this will go, if anywhere. But I feel like I should be doing this. So I am. I'm excited. I hope I get you excited too.

Here's to 2014! (and the beautiful Jasmine Dowling who made my delicious header!)