Friday, 11 July 2014


Look at my amazing loot!

Pretty excited to turn these into some pretty little bouquets later today for Blossom & Thorn.


Saturday, 5 July 2014


Just incase you haven't noticed! Where the heck did those 7 months disappear to!?

I got a bit reflective this afternoon while nursing a tea and blog scrolling.

I've been in Perth for nearly 2 YEARS! This blows my mind a little bit. (I am a Perth convert, I moved from Syders in October of 2012.)

Moving away from home, especially moving to the state on the other side of the country can be hard. I really didn't like it at first. Think I tossed around the hate word a few times. I missed everything familiar and those beautiful people that I left over there. I started packing my bags to go home more than once. I was a little bit miserable. I don't like being miserable so I started reading the Happiness Project. This book is brilliant. It helped me to realise that I was in charge of my own happiness, that I don't have to let circumstances/location/people dictate my mood or my life. 

At the end of last year I really wanted to make 2014 a year that I got (sorry) shit done. And I have. I completed my floristry course, I started my work experience with the beautiful Butcher, Baker Stylist Jess, I got my job at Stylecraft, I started Blossom & Thorn and we are on the brink of getting the house that we have been chasing.

Sometimes I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew but you kinda have to do that when you are getting started and working full time.

Sorry, this is less of a blogpost and more of a word vomit of nostalgia and musings.

Hope your weekend is a fab one lovers!