Monday, 10 March 2014


I am literally running out of hours in my day. I don’t have enough time to fit in everything that I need to get done. The solution to this is to get up earlier. Except I suck at it.
At the moment I get up at about 7AM, leave for work at 7.45AM, get home at 5.30PM and then usually have PT or my floristry class. On Saturday’s I am now usually helping with a wedding (yay) which leaves me Sunday to get majority of my stuff done. And it’s not working.
I have done some sleuthing and as of tomorrow, I will be starting to adopt some of the below.

If you are good at waking up early and squishing more into your day, please let me in on your secrets!
  1. Set a bedtime of 7-8.5 hours before you want to wake up. So if you’re waking up at 6 a.m., go to bed between 9:30-11 p.m. Where you are in that time frame depends on how much sleep you need. Most people need about 7.5-8 hours of sleep, though there are lots of variations.
  2. Create a bedtime ritual. E.g. clean up a little (it’s nice to wake up to a clean house), then floss & brush my teeth
  3. No computers in bed. That means no laptop, no tablets, no mobile phones. Kindles are OK. No TV either. Just reading.
  4. Exercise helps a lot earlier in the day. It gets your body nice and tired, so you'll sleep better. Don't exercise and hour or less before bed, or you'll be pumped up.
  5. Put your alarm across the room. If it's right next to you, you’ll hit the snooze button. So put it on the other side of the room, so you’ll have to get up (or jump up) to turn it off. At this point, remember your exciting thing. If you didn’t jump out of bed, at least stretch your arms wide and greet the day.


  1. You may have already read this:

    But, I would gradually just start setting your alarm for a little earlier every week! I am a total early bird so it's easy for me to preach mornings but I couldn't stay up past 11pm-midnight if my life depended on it sometimes. I love breakfast + coffee so that normally prompts me AND I don't have my phone in the bedroom!

    1. I did my love! I dont know how you do it! I'm setting it 15 mins earlier per week and that seems to be doing the trick. See you, need to move so coffee dates can entice me out from under my covers!
